

The Research
Upon being requested to build my first design portfolio, I went looking around for examples. Unfortunately, only to find that all these creative minds could only think about building one type of portfolio: A booklet full of images. Albeit some where more fancy or contained a new way of navigation through them. However, next to none where truly "out-of-the-ordinairy". From that moment on, I knew I had to be the one breaking this spiral.

Secondly, I found out that almost nobody actually puts something really personal inside ones portfolio. Ok, granted, when working as a freelancer with loads of different companies giving you orders, not caring about your personal life, it could be tricky to keep the company interested. But after all, nowadays someone only has to check your myspace, facebook or whatever, to find out what kind of person you are. So why not put something personal in your portfolio as well? In the end, you'll spend more hours a week at your office, then at home.

The Demands
  • Big
  • Original
  • Fitting with my personality

The Design
The design was created pretty fast: a wooden coffee-table. Besides fitting the demands, there was another reason for this shape; the simple reason that I still needed some furniture in my new room.

The final design contained two drawers, which were divided into two layers each. The design had an hierarchical build, seperating personal from school work.

  • 1. Top level: obligatory work
  • 2. work from college and interesting drawings
  • 3. personal work
  • 4. Bottom level: personal photographs about my life

The Concept
The concept was that the assessors would dig into my life. Depending on how far they were willing to go, they could go all the way down to a very personal level. As a little teaser, the lowest drawer also contained a small video player, which constantly played a compilation of two noisy personal movies. When this specific drawer was opened, the assessors could get intrigued by the sound.