This project required quite a different approach compared to the others thus far. Every group got 30 people and got the task to build a live TV program for the Dutch television program: "Man bijt hond" (translation: "Man bites dog"). It was clear from the start that this project was going to require extensive management skills.

Upon the first day we were required to deliver a debriefing document. After some roaming and talking of everyone we got the debriefing document together. The group required leaders to guide the project and so Anke Worms and me where found to be up for the challenge. Both having different ideas on how to manage a group this size we sat together and thought of ways to make it work. Planning and scheduling the whole project in rough lines.
Our main task was to make the project a success. But to achieve such a success the group had to work together as a friendly well organized team. Our formula of creating competition amongst each others, evenly divided tasks and a weekly schedule which allowed time for relaxation and getting to know one another proofed to work amazingly well.

The Research
For the research we divided the group into two seperate teams. Ten people where to do research on presentation techniques, the other twenty where to research concept possibilities. Anke and me where to keep watch over both the groups. Exchanging information when needed and evaluating on a daily basis to keep track of everything.
Presentation team
This team researched all the possibilities with the equipment that was on our hand. A few of the researched methods: Green screens, Flash media server, Audio usage in a studio, commanding camera men, operating light schemes , backup systems, electrical systems and others. Also more non-technical options where researched, for example color usage within the studio and possibilities to move camera''s outside.
Concept team
This team divided up into 4 sub teams which all had the task of creating 1-2 concepts per team. These would then be presented to the rest of the team and together we would choose the best parts of every concept. With each group doing individual research we had some overlap in data but on the other hand also a massive spread of data.

The Demands
- Research and build within 6 weeks + additional 2 weeks holiday.
- Deliverables have to presented during a live broadcast.
- The product has to be re-usable as a weekly broadcast.
The Design
For the design we took an simple and easy to reuse design. All graphics where based upon a paper torn background. This allowed us to use any image regardless of the background.
The leaders for the show where all made basic and standard and of high quality for possible reuse later on by Man Bijt Hond.
Furthermore we chose one complete box to setup everything so that only one Flash file needed to be loaded. The Flash file communicated with a MySQL database for keeping scores. Next to that there was a link with the Flash Media Server for the live video broadcast.
The Concept
Our concept consisted of a live broadcast with a flash game combined. Viewers saw a person in the first episode. This person was presented with a single hint on his life. As soon as this was shown people could log on to the website and start the game. In this game people where requested to guess the rest of the persons personality. It was a test to view whether or not people where capable of (pre)judging a person right at once.
After the first episode the show would show more hints in the folowing days and the people could adjust their guesses. At the end of the week a full interview with the person would be given to match up with the guesss people made.

The Result
After weeks of hard labor we finally achieved a magnificent product. We showed that with a little bit of appreciation towards each other and willpower to go for it together you can achieve massive goals.