"Children can only learn to take responsibility when given a chance to assess and mitigate risk for themselves." ~ Gever Tulley


30 people, unknown technology and only 8 weeks. The result? The best 8 weeks of project in our study.


Live television, a short period and a completely different approach to project management. 30 people building a live television program for the Dutch television program: "Man bijt hond" (translation: "Man bites dog"). It was clear from the start that this project was going to require extensive management skills.

Making an extreme portfolio more portable

Portfolio v2.0

Project portfolio v2.0
After creating an extreme portfolio, it was time to keep the extraordinary but add the concept of portability. Therefore portfolio v2.0 was created.

What does the "average" human look like?

Freespace v2.0

A local recycle-store, an old collection of catholic magazines and a psychologists' research. All combined in search for the perfect average woman and man. But does average mean perfect?

Creating something so big for children so small, it seems unreal!

Interactive Installations

Designing a concept for MOTI to teach children something new. The project involved all stages from research until realisation.

Education 2.0, getting doctors back in school.

Serious Gaming

Project Serious Gaming
Generating a proof of concept for a serious gaming application. The target group were medical professionals at a hospital in Tilburg, and the problem to solve was a hightened chance of flebitis after performing peripheral infusions.

Reinventing the portfolio

Portfolio v1.0

My very first portfolio as a designer. The challenge however, was how to make it stand out in between all the standards. Staying close to myself and taking on my practical side seemed to correct way to approach it.